How to Use Lemon Seed Starter Kits to Grow Plants Indoors
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Spring is finally here! With all the beauty that comes with the sunshine and warmth, oftentimes we search for ways to connect with our families through a spring family project. Look no further! An easy, fun, and educational activity to do with your children begins with lemon seed starters.
The great news about lemon seed starters is that you can actually begin their growing process indoors. While spring is usually thought of as a time of better weather, there are times when the rain just won’t go away. Have no fear! Your family project can still take flight by beginning indoors.
Unless you have a brown thumb (like me), these lemon seed starters are perfect for getting that garden growing. With eco-friendly materials and minimal effort, you will have that lush garden growing in no time.
Materials Needed for Lemon Seed Starters
The materials you and your family need to get going with your lemon seed starters are inexpensive and available at local stores. You may even find that you have the majority of the materials already available in your home. Score!
- 1 LARGE egg carton
- Potting soil
- 12 half lemon rinds
- Mini bamboo sticks
- Mini shovel/spoon
- Scissors
- Pen
- Seeds
10 Steps to Create Lemon Seed Starters
Using everyday supplies, you can create your seed starter kits quickly and easily. Turn this project into a math and science experiment with your children helping them to count, measure, and learn about the plant life cycle!
Step One: Collect Lemon Rinds
Throughout the week, collect the required lemon rinds to use for your lemon seed starters. Lime and/or orange rinds are sufficient as well.
Step Two: Store Rinds in Cold Water
Keep the rinds submerged in water and store them in the refrigerator. This will prevent them from rotting. Once you have collected the desired amount of rinds, you are ready to begin your project!
Step Three: Cut Top off of Egg Carton
On the egg carton, cut off the top and the closing flap. This will only leave the bottom egg cells.
Step Four: Insert Lemon Rinds
Insert 1/2 lemon (lime/orange) rind into each egg cell of the carton. They should fit nice and snug.
Step Five: Fill Rinds with Soil
Using the mini shovel or spoon, fill each rind with a good helping of potting soil.
Step Six: Create Your Plant Labels
Write the names of the plants on the mini bamboo sticks.
Step Seven: Plant the Seeds
Put your seeds in the soil-filled rind and top with more soil, adding a few drops of water to each one.
Step Eight: Insert Your Labels
Insert your mini bamboo sticks to their designated areas. Cut down the stick with scissors to the desired length if you feel it is too long.
Step Nine: Store Plants with Sufficient Sunlight
Put your seed starter kit near a space that will provide light. This will allow your lemon seed starters to begin growing until your garden is ready to receive plants.
Step Ten: Transplant Your Seeds
When you’re ready to move your seedlings outdoors, simply plant the entire starter kit directly into the garden/ground. The rinds will naturally decompose!
Make Sure You Water Your Seedlings!
Lemon seed starters are the perfect kits to use if you are looking to expand your garden. Additionally, they make a great gift for friends. Imagine receiving these adorable mini starter kits as a gift! Like a friendship, plants grow the more you nurture and care for them.
The next time you make lemon seed starters, let your children take advantage of following the directions solo to make them on their own. Your children can then care for the starters from the beginning, ensuring a healthy love of nature!