How To Play Pictionary With Pipe Cleaners and No Board Game

Last Updated Apr 21, 2020

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If you’re not sure how to play Pictionary, we’ll tell you a super simple way that you can play a diy Pictionary game using pipe cleaners.

We seriously love the idea of playing Pictionary with pipe cleaners because these fuzzy wires are super pliable! With the right group of kids, this would be a great interactive game that teaches communication and teamwork.

Keep in mind that playing Pictionary using pipe cleaners is a little different than playing the official game. It takes longer to mold pipe cleaners into shapes than it takes to draw a picture onto paper. For that reason, we suggest setting a timer for 2 minutes per turn instead of the official one minute round.

But we’ll talk about the rules after we show you some super easy ideas and give you a list of Pictionary game words.

Pipe cleaners are one of the best craft supplies for pipe cleaner Pictionary because they are easy to bend into any shape. Once you get the basic idea of how to mold them, you can use them to make all shapes, sizes and colors.

DIY Pictionary Game for Kids with Pipe Cleaners

Here’s a great price on pipe cleaners if you don’t already have them on hand!

The game of playing Pictionary with pipe cleaners is not to create the perfect picture, but instead to have fun and be creative.

Supply List

Most of the supplies you’ll already have on hand. Here are the things you’ll need to play diy Pictionary with pipe cleaners:

  • Pipe Cleaners (if you’re all out, grab some here!)
  • Pen and paper
  • timer

Related post: List of Pipe Cleaner Crafts, Activities and Games

Pictionary Words For Kids with Pipe Cleaner Examples

These next eight examples required only 1 to 3 pipe cleaners each. We think that the fewer piper cleaners used in this diy Pictionary game, the better and quicker the game will flow.

1. Heart

diy pictionary pipe cleaner heart

2. Butterflyhow to play pictionary with pipe cleaners - butterfly

3. Christmas tree

Pictionary words for kids Christmas tree

4. Love bug

how to play pictionary

5. HousePipe cleaner House

6. ChairPlaying pictionary - Chair

7. TelevisionPictionary game words

8. Umbrellafunny pictionary words

Before beginning the game, write a list of Pictionary words that can be portrayed in a simple pipe cleaner picture. Pictionary categories range widely but with this easy game, feel free to go broad using foods, animals and every day items on your list.

You can also use the following list of Pictionary words for your game (don’t forget the 8 words listed above as well!):

  1. Dog
  2. Horse
  3. Angel
  4. Comb
  5. Cupcake
  6. Train
  7. Headphones
  8. Hand
  9. Glasses
  10. Snowman
  11. Candle
  12. Lamp
  13. Bicyle
  14. Ice cream cone
  15. Sneaker

How to Play Pictionary Without The Game

You can play Pictionary without the game if you need a quick diy Pictionary for family and friends to enjoy. The official game is a fantastic gift idea or board game to have for family game nights, but if you are unable to purchase it in time for a last minute party, then you can play Pictionary without the game using pipe cleaners!

pipe cleaner figures

How to Make Pictionary

There really is nothing that you need to make ahead of time for your diy Pictionary game other than a list of Pictionary words. Having a premade list will give you plenty of time for game play.

A great way to get everyone involved when making your Pictionary phrases is to have each person write 10 easy words onto a small piece of paper, fold it and place it into a jar for players to select.

How to Play Pictionary – Game Rules

Because playing Pictionary with pipe cleaners is a bit more difficult than using a pencil and paper, the rules of diy Pictionary are a bit different. And don’t worry, there aren’t many rules! We just want to grab out the pipe cleaners and have fun – so we don’t waste too much time making and following rules.

Pipe Cleaner Pictionary Rules

1. Each team should have at least two players.

2. Set a timer for 2 minutes.

3. One player chooses a Pictionary phrase and starts molding the pipe cleaners as soon as the timer starts. Once this player’s team guesses the object or word, the same player will choose another Pictionary word and continue creating until the timer runs out.

4. Use as many pipe cleaners as necessary but remember to hurry!

5. Tally up the points at the end of each round (1 point per correct guess). For a 4 player game, play at least 4 rounds or until the first team reaches 10 points. For more players, make sure that each player gets the chance to be a creator at least once.

6. And of course, no talking or hand gestures unless you decide to allow it for everyone!

Easy DIY Pictionary for Kids

And there you have it. That’s how you play Pictionary without pencil and paper or the game! Younger children can be paired with an older child or adult if they are unable to create simple objects themselves using pipe cleaners. It definitely takes some practice to get used to it, but once you do it’s super fun and easy!

This is a great indoor game for a rainy or cold day. It can also be played in school or at home.

Children should be supervised when using pipe cleaners because they are made up of very thin wire. We do not suggest having kids play this diy Pictionary without the help and supervision of a responsible adult.

Let us know in the comments what type of Pictionary categories and words you would use for this diy Pictionary game!

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